Demon Skills - Nerve

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Nerve magic was adapted from charms that target a living creature's biological functions. Modern developments from demonologists and magicians have led to refinements that allow such skills to work on demons as well. Skills of this type often revolve around stopping an opponent from moving.
Tier: Common
Type: Spell
Effect: Light
Load: Light
Has a moderate chance of inflicting Sleep on one target.
Tier: Common
Type: Spell
Effect: Light
Load: Light
Has a moderate chance of inflicting Bind on one target.
Nerve Boost
Tier: Common
Type: Passive
Effect: N/A
Load: N/A
Boosts the power of nerve skills.
Bind Gaze
Tier: Grand
Type: Spell
Effect: Moderate
Load: Moderate
Has a moderate chance of inflicting Bind on all targets in a large area.
Tier: Grand
Type: Spell
Effect: Moderate
Load: Moderate
Has a moderate chance of inflicting Sleep on all targets in a large area.
Binding Cry
Tier: Grand
Type: Spell
Effect: Moderate
Load: Moderate
Deals moderate nerve damage to all targets in a large area. Has a high chance of inflicting Bind on the targets.
Wet Wind
Tier: Exalted
Type: Spell
Effect: Heavy
Load: Heavy
Deals heavy nerve and force damage to all targets in a large area. Has a high chance of inflicting Daze on the targets.
Anima Freeze
(King Frost)
Tier: Exalted
Type: Spell
Effect: Heavy
Load: Heavy
Deals heavy nerve and ice damage to all targets in a large area. Inflicts Bind on the targets.
Eternal Slumber
Tier: Exalted
Type: Spell
Effect: Heavy
Load: Heavy
Strikes all Sleeping targets in a large area dead instantly. Ignores Resist and Immune.

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